Locate Medical Logo

How we can help your organisation...

Locate Medical has handpicked the most experienced and professional recruitment consultants within the healthcare industry to ensure we consistently deliver the highest standards of service for all our clients.

We understand the current financial and operational pressures on NHS Trusts throughout the UK and aim to support all our clients through:

  • Unique SLA opportunities
  • Significant cost-saving initiatives
  • Agreed service level and response schedules
  • 24/7 on-call out-of-hours service
  • A database of compliant, experienced, and readily available candidates

Our Aims and Promise

In challenging times, we aim to support you by providing a tailor-made service that best suits your requirements. We offer supply initiatives for each Trust to fill vacancies that are currently being serviced with candidates without the reliance on Break Glass rates. Additionally, we will create an action plan to fill vacancies where demands are not being met and patient safety is at risk. We can also establish a Service Level Agreement to meet your minimum fill rate requirements.

Locate Medical Logo
Connecting Excellence with Opportunity

Tel : 01908 261222
Email : [email protected]

30a High Street, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK11 1AF

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